

Oral & Maxillo - Facial Surgery


NAME: Dr. Meera Thinakaran MDS

MAIL: [email protected]

Qualification: MDS

Area of Interest :

Facial trauma&Orthognathic Surgery


National & International Publications, palliative care

  1. Symphosium on oral cancer – April 2009
  2. Basics in implant dentistry – 2013
  3. Odontogenic tumors – 2013
  4. Consious sedation in Maxillo – Facial Minor Surgery first in India
  5. Oral cancer foundation
  6. Cleft cranio facial foundation for Cleft and cranio facial anomalies

The department of oral & maxillofacial surgery is headed by Prof.Dr.Meera thinakaran. Under her able guidance for a noble vision, following academic programmes have been implemented,

    1. Continuing maxillo-facial education programmes
    2. Live demonstration workshops
    3. Conscious sedation clinics
    4. Journal clubs and seminar presentations
    5. Clininal case presentations and discussions
    6. Inter Disciplinary departmental discussions
    7. Live surgical workshop on orthognathic surgery 2010

The Centre conducts major surgeries covering the following specialized areas:

  1. Oral cancer and other head and neck tumours
  2. Craniofacial Trauma
  3. Craniofacial Surgeries
  4. Cleft lip and Palate
  5. Orthognathic Surgery
  6. Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgeries
  7. Reconstructive Surgeries
  8. Microvascular Surgery
  9. Nitrous oxide sedation in dentistry


The centre is well equipped with a clinical laboratory and Digital X-ray unit under one roof. Other advanced investigations like CT / MRI Scan, Doppler Ultrasound are done at attached Medical College.

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